The heavens declare the
glory of God
and the sky above proclaims
his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1
We have a blended style of worship. We enjoy singing traditional hymns as well as more contemporary praise songs. We worship through reading the written Word of God as well as teaching through the spoken word by the Pastor.


This year we were able to serve during the Claremore Love Day. With the help of 8 volunteers, we removed some bushes and brush, transplanted a bush, painted a porch and cut up some wood for those who could not accomplish these tasks themselves. The best part is, we made some new connections and will continue to reach out into out community to help those in need. This does not stop with one day, this is an ongoing outreach of the church.
Recent Sermons
Each week as we seek to disciple those who come, you will be able to join us by watching the message from that week. We hope these will be a source of inspiration and encouragement along with helping you in your walk with Christ.
We love to reach the community of Claremore with the love, grace, and hope of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
~ On Sunday morning, we offer a free hot breakfast from 8:30 - 9:15
~ We have sponsored many free concerts over the years with artists such as, The Isaacs, The Martins, The Easters, Michael English, and many more.
~ We have partnered with other churches in town to minister to the students at Rogers State University.
~ We are also participating in the Food Truck Thursday as opportunity arises.
~ On Sunday morning, we offer a free hot breakfast from 8:30 - 9:15
~ We have sponsored many free concerts over the years with artists such as, The Isaacs, The Martins, The Easters, Michael English, and many more.
~ We have partnered with other churches in town to minister to the students at Rogers State University.
~ We are also participating in the Food Truck Thursday as opportunity arises.

You Can Also Find Our Sermons On Our Youtube Channel!
Service Times
1336 N. Dorothy Ave.
Claremore, OK 74017
info: claremorenaz@gmail.com
Claremore, OK 74017
info: claremorenaz@gmail.com
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am - Discipleship classes for all ages
10:30 am - Morning Worship
5:00 pm - Life Application Service
10:30 am - Morning Worship
5:00 pm - Life Application Service
Wednesday Evenings
6:00 pm - Prayer (Sanctuary)
6:30 pm - Bible Study (Sanctuary)
6:30 pm - Kids (Kids Zone in Church)
6:30 pm - Metamorphosis Teens
6:30 pm - Bible Study (Sanctuary)
6:30 pm - Kids (Kids Zone in Church)
6:30 pm - Metamorphosis Teens