Covenant, pt. 1

Feb 28, 2021    J Bret Metcalfe

Covenant, pt. 1
Genesis 17:1-8
February 28, 2021

God, the Creator of the universe, the Creator of all humans and all things has a covenant to make with us. Our response must be obedience to Him.

Abram was the baseline.

1. He had to _______before God and be _________________.

God's promise with Abram and us is:

1. He gives us a _______________.

2. He will bring an ____________.

3. He will make an __________________________ with us.

God's everlasting covenant means:

1. He will never ___________us.

2. He will _________through us.

3. He will always be __________ for us.

Are you willing to accept His covenant?